About three times a year, I end up with a large, empty, plastic container. I used to toss them into the recycling bin, but after learning that not all plastics are recycled, I decided to start upcycling them. I've used some to store corks, bottle caps, seashells, and beach sand. Recently, I thought it would be fun to fully decorate one to make it useful and attractive enough to display. Then, an idea struck! Why not create a candy jar after making and wrapping all the caramels this past holiday season, which I kept in a freezer bag? Something big enough to hold a large amount of wrapped sweets, unlike a typical small candy dish or jar. And so, this is how I turned a plastic jar into a funky, yet practical container.

This Week’s Tea Spilling
If you're not familiar with the risks of using black plastic cooking utensils, you might want to research it. There is a lot of information available online. Essentially, it's advised to avoid using them due to the potential toxic flame retardants they may contain. The black plastic used in their production might include recycled electronic products, which is the source of these retardants. In any case, I believe in the saying 'better to be safe than sorry,' so we replaced ours with stainless steel, wood, bamboo, and silicone utensils.
I’ll be back next Wednesday to show you what I’ve been working on. Hope you’ll stop by again for a visit.
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I really like this plastic bottle upcycled.